I am starting to notice a trend lately that whenever I start on a diet, it's as if the gods are testing my will power by purposely creating opportunities for me to be experiencing really new & yummy dishes that they know I just cannot resist. I started my South Beach Phase I diet just this Monday and so far so good, I had so far behaved, I was totally devoid of any carbs and was able to follow the diet with little discomfort, that is until Friday night when I joined the "grub club" to try out this restaurant/wine cellar on Yakal Street, Makati. I knew I was in trouble when I entered the premises and saw all the beautiful bottles of wine displayed all over, they still had remnants of the actual wine cellar still there that was filled to the ceiling with boxes & boxes of vino. I knew that I would be breaking a lot of rules tonight. When the group came we decided to order family style, we all shared Bouillabaise served with rouille, ravioli with mushroom (pasta- a big S.B.No NO), mushroom salad, Escargot, shrimp with curry, pork knuckles and Foie Gras. I was bad, aside from having a "healthy glass" of red wine (Also a S.B. no no), I ate some of the crostini bread and committed the ultimate South Beach Sin by eating dessert. I must say their 6 Layer chocolate cake has to be one of the best if not the best dessert I have ever tasted in my thirty something years, it was a cross between a chocolate sundae & a brownie. It was truly heavenly and I vow to go back again with Tita Loy where we plan to just have our cake with some lovely champagne (after my I'm done with my diet of course!).
should've seen this before I attempted to recreate the knockoff! :D
hope to see you again soon!
check out this link: www.livejournal.com/community/picturing_food
hi janice, will try and have the pics up by friday -- if you have an email address (preferably gmail para pwede large files) I'll send them to you? :) email me at mkpjimenez@gmail.com
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