It's official!

Bride's family picture

Bride & Groom's Family
For all you who have been clamoring for me to update my blog ASAP, well here I am back again. The past couple of weeks have been kind of busy & stressful what with my sister's wedding, my dead toe & my christmas basket project all happening at the same time, who has time to blog! Hopefully now that things are back to normal I can get back to my usual routine. I have posted a couple of images from the wedding to appease some of you out there who are just dying to see them. Please give me a few more days for the others, there are hundreds of pictures for me to edit before they are ready to be viewed. I just finished doing the 15 minute video which will hopefully arrive in time for it to be seen by by friends & family of the Mancino's back in New Jersey, I call it the "Hawaiian wedding-New Jersey Cut", I'm planning to do a "Philippine Cut" and of course the official "Director's Cut".
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