It was almost like a scene from a Harry Potter book where Harry recieves mail from his best friend Ron who as most people know is unfamiliar with the "muggle" form of using stamps to send mail, so to Harry's surprise he gets this envelope that is completely covered with stamps since his friend didn't know how much stamps he would need. So just imagine the shock I got when I recieved this huge package from Mr. & Mrs. Mancino!!! The 1st shock was who would be sending me such a huge package. 2nd was the fact that it was even delivered by the postman, I mean that has never ever ever happened in Philippine postal history, you would usually get a claim card saying you had to pickup your package at the post office especially with such a big package. 3rd was that the postman even left an official receipt charging me only 30 pesos (for what, I have no idea, I'm assuming transportation or effort) AND that he would leave the receipt and come back for the payment the next day (that normally would never happen). 4th was the number of stamps on the package, there was 140 of them, they almost covered the entire package already. And finally of course was the content of the package which contained a framed copy of a painting done by their eldest son Frank which they wanted to give to me as a thank you for the wedding video I sent them. It was really so sweet of them.