Friday, October 15, 2004

Biologically 59!

I accompanied Uncle Harry to the Wellness Institute the other day, and since I knew that he would be there for most of the day, I decided to have the BTA (Biological Terrain Assessment) done. The BTA began in Europe by Prof. Louis Claude Vincent, and through his research he believed that healing can be done through the body's biochemistry. The test is done by taking a sample of blood, urine & saliva on the day of the test (12 hour fasting is required and you can't brush your teeth) afterwhich they are assessed by the special computer that monitors the values of pH, oxidation-reduction (the electron potential and enzymatic activity) and resistivity (molecular ion movement) of these bodily fluids. The test provides vital data about the way the body is actually functioning and offers valuable information concerning the biochemical dynamics of the body. The other cool thing about the BTA is that it tells you what your biological age is. I was more or less sure that my test would come out bad, so when Dr. Gonzales saw me and said "you better be around later to hear your test results" I knew that I was in trouble. So after a very nice lunch at Santis with Uncle Harry & Christiane, we all headed back to Wellness ready to hear the "bad news", Dr. Roy was the one who briefed me and informed me of my biological age. I WAS 59! Then to make it worse I find out that I was even older biologically than my Uncle Harry who was 56! Was I surprised with the results? Not really I guess. I knew that I hadn't really been taking care of my body as well as I should, but I can't really say that I have been abusing it with alcohol or lack of sleep. It's more like eating all the good stuff (which is usually bad as you can see on my blog) and not exercising much. But the good news is that my problems can be easily fixed by drinking more fluids, at least 10 glasses of water, no pork or caffeine and taking some recommended supplements. This test was an eye opener for me and hopefully I can turn over a new leaf in terms of my eating habits amongst other things.

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