Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy halloween!!! The above image was taken during our Halloween party last year where me & Mae won best in costume. I was dressed as the very controversial Michael Moore - with videocam as accessory.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

20 years of Porsche

How lucky were we, that on the 2 nights we were staying at the Ritz carlton, one of those nights was the 20th anniversary celebration of Porsche in Singapore. It was just unbelievable to see rows and rows of these fabulous cars all lining the driveway of the hotel.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Commecial material

Here I am being filmed for a tv commercial featuring the new Nokia N90 at the poolside of the Ritz Carlton Millenia. Yes Virginia, this is my 15 minutes of fame!!!

15 to 6

So the moment of truth has arrived, from the 15 hopefuls, 6 have been chosen. And yes, I was fortunate enough to be one of them. Please check out the submissions of my fellow finalist:

Bob from Bali
Ndol from Thailand
Soon Ling from Singapore
Oman from Singapore
Noel from the Philippines

Monday, October 24, 2005

I've been Discovered!

I haven't posted anything about my plans to join Discovery Channel & Nokia's "First Time Mobile Film Maker's Award" till now. I guess from the time I was informed that I was one of the semi-finalist from this dude named Harry from Singapore, things didn't really sink in. There were days before i got my ticket to singapore that I thought Ashton Kutcher was gonna come out and say that I was being PUNK'D big time. But it was really really true "I WAS A SEMI-FREAKIN-FINALIST!!!!!!
Click this LINK to go to go to the official mobifilm site & view my submission

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Halloween Buzz

Here are some pics of my super cute godson Travis geared up in his Buzz Lightyear costume that his mom searched high and low for. It arrived just in time for Halloween.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Cibo Faves

My 2 favorites at Cibo. The ultra refreshing Pomelo Juice and the utterly sinful Penne il Selvaggio cooked to a perfect al dente.

Finally Featured

My article that I wrote about the Seychelles has finally been featured in the 10th Anniversary issue of Food Magazine.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

PSID gets personal at GB1

If you get a chance to go to Greenbelt 1, p[ease try to drop by the exhibit of PSID where my cousin Mel is one of the students in this years graduating class. This exhibit focused on designing based on ones personality. So before you enter the main exhibit area, you are given a booklet questionnaire to answer, and at the end of this short test, it determines the type of personality you have, ranging from sensuous, laid back, bohemian (which was me), urban, pure & wild. You can then compare your results to the different areas in the exhibit. I was visually impressed with how elaborate & over the top some of the designs were. Congratulations to Mel, Vicky, Camille & Jamie!! The exhibit runs everyday for the whole month of October.
Here's the Sensual Bathroom created by cousin Mel & co.

I just loved this bedroom with the original moon motiff creatively using swarovski lights as accent.

This Indian inspired meditation area was the most visually stunning room in the whole exhibit.

I really liked the way this living room was designed, it had a small elevated nook where one can enjoy complete privacy.