If you get a chance to go to Greenbelt 1, p[ease try to drop by the exhibit of PSID where my cousin Mel is one of the students in this years graduating class. This exhibit focused on designing based on ones personality. So before you enter the main exhibit area, you are given a booklet questionnaire to answer, and at the end of this short test, it determines the type of personality you have, ranging from sensuous, laid back, bohemian (which was me), urban, pure & wild. You can then compare your results to the different areas in the exhibit. I was visually impressed with how elaborate & over the top some of the designs were. Congratulations to Mel, Vicky, Camille & Jamie!! The exhibit runs everyday for the whole month of October.

Here's the Sensual Bathroom created by cousin Mel & co.

I just loved this bedroom with the original moon motiff creatively using swarovski lights as accent.

This Indian inspired meditation area was the most visually stunning room in the whole exhibit.

I really liked the way this living room was designed, it had a small elevated nook where one can enjoy complete privacy.